Located in the heart of Europe, we specialize in the restoration of valuable old carriages for museums, private collections and driving amateurs. The vehicles are completely dismantled and cleaned thoroughly. Worn parts are replaced and missing parts made to measure. The great authenticity of our restoration work, the careful finish and attention for detail has brought us customers from all over Europe, the United States and the Middle East. Our highly qualified craftsmen offer their traditional skills to the carriage amateur and expert.

By the end of the 19th Century the carriage builders had reached the peak of their art. The well known craftsmanship of the Belgian coachbuilders was a guarantee for marvellous and durable creations. At carriages Schroven we aim to keep this tradition alive in everything we do. Over thirty years of experience allow us to reproduce faithfully any kind of antique carriage. In order to maintain its unique character. Of each type we have built not more than three or four and even these are different to each other in minor details. Because of their great authenticity and their rarity they represent as even an interesting investment as the old ones.

Over thirty years of experience enable us to reproduce any missing part of your antique vehicle. Forged by hand or cast in steel and brass, these copies are undistinguishable from the old ones. The quality of our steel springs is remarkable!

We still use the traditional method of brush painting. More than 12 layers are applied all by hand with utmost care to obtain a deep and lasting gloss and the old shades of colours.

For hoods, dashboards and mudguards we use the best English Leather – plain, patent or grained – all hand sewn. The restoration of antique harness is another activity that we carry out with great pride!

An important section of our business is repairing and building wooden wheels for which we use well seasoned ash, elm, hickory and acacia. We carry an extensive range of clincher type rubber and channel. Wired-on rubber and channel: a speciality of the house!

Only the best quality wool cloth, silk, Bedford cord, tapestry, velvet, real leather… are used to finish our carriages. We are able to reproduce to order any cloth to match your antique upholstery. Authentic pasting, piping, broad lace and all kinds of passmentry are a speciality of the house. Horse hair and sea grass stuffed cushions, woollen carpet woven after old patterns, ivory fittings, calling card cases, an endless variety of linoleums, rubber mats stamped out with an antique design… all antique upholstery can be restored or reproduced by our craftsmen with only one aim: render your valuable carriage its original appearance!

Need your lamp reflectors resilvered – bevelled, bowed, engraved glasses replaced – a copy made to your single lamp? We repair and build carriage lamps using the age old tools and techniques.

We keep a large inventory of quality driving related items: whips, horns, wicker baskets, leather hat cases, carriage books, bronzes, engravings, travel accessories, models… We can make to measure all kinds of livery and historical uniforms. we always have a large inventory of exclusive vehicles and accoutrements available for sale!
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About us
We have been restoring original carriages since 1975, using traditional craftsmanship and authentic materials. From minor repairs to complete rebuilds!
Feel free to contact us for detailed information!
Where to find us
Slameuterstraat 7 – 2861 O-L-V Waver – Belgium
Mobile: +32 475 65 67 24
Tel: +32 15 75 61 82
E-mail: patrick.schroven@skynet.be